Hi, this is my info about my art evolution....

I started drawing anime back in 1995, I was in 5th grade ((about 11 years old)). I really sucked at it to put it bluntly.  But, I kept trying and I think that I improved ((yah, an improvement!!! can u imagine how much I sucked!?!)) So, what have I taught you?  NEVER GiVE UP!!!  I'm sure that I'll improve even more soon!  My art went through a few styles...here they are:

Sailormoon Wanna-be

I tried to draw the eyes like sailormoon and the hair like sailormoon's.  I finally decided that I needed to be original, so I made another style.

A little bit 'normal'

Next, I started to draw the normal, almond-shaped eyes, but just a little over-sized.  In the eye, I would have the pupil, the iris ((or however you spell it)), and all that stuff and I would have a big, white half-circle coming down from the top of the eye with the pupil barely showing .   I decided that it wasn't cute enough, so I did another style....

 Just like above, but less normal...

I would do the tradition _) style, where you had a curving line on the bottom and a curving line coming around.  And then the rest was just like my previous style.

bi-Section, w/ bubble w/o pupil

The shape was the same as abover, I would just draw a line through almost the half-way mark on the eye. ((making the smaller section on the bottom))  I would then color the top half and leave the bottom half white.  Then I started adding in a pupil.  it quickly evolved into my style of today.

I may put up drawings from different stages sometime if enough people would like me to.